My Services

It all begins with the first step. Let me take your hand as you step towards a new relationship with your feminine design.  

FREE 20 minute consult

Let’s start with an initial consult so I can listen to your concerns, get to know you, share a few starting suggestions and decide together how to best move forward.

Coaching ($175-$300)

Vital Cycle 365 is a program designed to teach you the “why’s” and “how’s” of your hormonal health alongside personalized coaching sessions to support your individual pain points. Not sure you’re ready to commit to the full meal-deal? I also offer a mini-course that focuses on the learning sessions only. Should you decide later that you desire coaching, you have the option of expanding the package later on. (May be offered on an individual level or as a group. Group discount rate and/or payment plan offered)

Speaking Opportunities

Are you a part of a women’s group or organization and would like to book a presentation on a focused topic? I’d love to collaborate with you! Message me below with your idea and let’s make it happen!

Your hormones have a voice… are you listening?